Sunday, August 26, 2007

Nine Weeks Old

Emily is officially in 3-6 month clothes!!! She is 24 inches long and weighed 14 pounds at her 2 month appointment. She follows Mommy and Daddy with her eyes and by turning her head as we walk around the room. She holds her head up very well and laughs in her sleep now instead of just grins! She loves to play Pat a Cake and sing Row Your Boat and Itsy Bitsy Spider. She grins from ear to ear when we do this. She really enjoys the afternoon sunshine on Mommy and Daddy's bed, which is where many of her pictures are taken. Her eyes get lighter blue by the day and are mesmerizing. She is just a joy to have in our lives.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Seven Weeks Old...

Here is our princess at seven weeks...

Sunday, August 05, 2007


All ready for bed...

Six weeks old already. Emily continues to be more and more responsive and her little grins are adorable. She is getting bigger and everyone comments on how "healthy" she looks. I sure hope that translates to loved and well taken care of! :)

Look at those rolls...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Token bath pictures...taken this morning!

Emily really like her bathtime.. Daddy was giving her a bath and Mommy grabbed the camera!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Five weeks old...

Crazy to think it has been five whole weeks since Emily was born... Here are some new photos of her.. She is still working on the strength in her neck and holding her head up. She does like to grab onto her shirt and mommy's shirt and hold on. She has also started trying to put everything in her mouth, her hands, blankets and the sheet on her bed. She is really exploring the world around her these days!
Five week pic.
And another...
Wish the lighting was better....
Holding onto my shirt for dear life!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I love my baths!

Quick post of Emily relaxing after bath this morning. So cute!!
Here are a couple more...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"One Month" old...

Daddy showing off my hockey gear!

My one month birthday.

Bedtime on my one month birthday.

Close up of how beautiful I am.

Auntie Joy, Jasper & Sawyer picked out this outfit.

Emily is changing every single day!!! She is getting better at holding her head up for longer periods of time. She will also turn her head from side to side during tummy time. Pretty amazing to watch her grow and develop. Mommy and Daddy still enjoy just sitting and staring at her... we are still in awe... I doubt that feeling will ever go away! Even though four weeks and one month are pretty much the same thing.. we took pics to celebrate her one month birthday anyhow!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Here are a few more pics of Emily... she continues to smile and laugh although mommy and daddy are trying to be realistic and know it is probably just gas. We are enjoying how she looks at us now and cannot wait for her to interact even more!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Almost a month old... WHERE DOES THE TIME GO???

Mommy has been so busy with me that she has not updated the blog... Here are some pictures of me... I am growing oh so fast!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Beach girl...

This is me with my Auntie Joy and cousins Jasper and Sawyer.

My cousin Jasper loves me... kisses :)



How gorgeous am I???