Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

The first thing we did this morning was record messages for all (most) the daddies in our lives. Emily got bored rather quickly with it, so some people ended up with a simple text message.

Once we were all ready for the day, we took Daddy's truck to get washed and filled with gas as a surprise!

Emily and I went over to Papa and Grandma's house today. We were able to spend some time with COUSINS J and S, and see C for a little bit at the end. Since Daddy is still trying to get home from Vegas, we are relaxing at home waiting for him. Emily had a blast "signing" Daddy's card. More like coloring all over it! It will be fun to save all the cards from her through the years and see her drawing skills develop. :)

Cousins E & S

PLEASE may I go outside with Roxy and puppy??



Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I do not have much to say, except to mention that if you are ever around in the near future.. ask Emily to say, "NO Big Jet!" This is a scene in her Little Einsteins video and she just sounds so cute when she says it!!

Emily's language explosion continues.. just now she said she wanted dinner, and then said "eat dinner at auntie's house!" so I guess she would like to go next door. :)

This weekend I will fly solo with Emily for three days. Daddy will be attending a Bachelor Party in Vegas for our friend Tim. Should be fun to have a girls only weekend!

Emily's birthday is in ONE WEEK!! I cannot believe how quickly time flies... two years already. Wow!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Puppies, Slides & Family

Emily and I met up with Mom B. & Laura D. today! Laura is a family friend that is basically family! We have known her since she was born. Mom & Dad B. were friends with her parents while Dad was in the Air Force and Mom D. calls me (Tami) her "first daughter." Needless to say, it was fantastic to see Laura. Once we were finished with lunch, Emily was not ready to say goodbye to we headed over to the B. house. :)

We spent most of the day enjoying the new puppy, Astro, and Roxy, their older pup. Emily LOVES, did I mention she loves, playing in the backyard at Grandma's house! She especially loves going down the slide and playing on the swing. She really is an animal lover and enjoys the dogs very much.

Emily with Roxy and Astro (smaller) on Tuesday the 9th.

Backwards down the slide is better these days!

Full length view of sliding backwards!

We had a wonderful visit and Emily knocked out cold before we were ready to leave. This was not before she decided to share her love of nudity with the family. Turn your head for 2.5 seconds and she can strip down to nothing but a t-shirt. (simply because she cannot get it off on her own yet!) Everyone finally believes me that she is a nudist at heart!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Tonight Emily walked into the living room saying, "Hiccups!" because she had the hiccups. I am not sure how often we have had the hiccups and said that word out loud, but apparently enough that she has picked up on it and know what they are. I guess we better be careful what we say around here!

I made a trip to Costco today since we needed milk and OJ and used the opportunity to pick up a few things for Emily's birthday party. I passed by the fruit and grabbed a two pack of seedless watermelons... one of Emily's favorites. When I got home, she said "watermelon, cut it! piece!" She is just too cute.

Here are a couple pictures from today. A model pose, and a proud pose... she loves climbing into her stroller and saying, "WALK! Stroller!"

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mascara & Bowling

This is what happens when a 2 year old (almost 2) finds a tube of Mommy's mascara on the bathroom counter. Yay! I noticed Emily was a bit quiet tonight while I was trying to get ready to go bowling with some friends from work, and this is what I found. :) I paraded her next door to Auntie Shannon & Alicia and realized that it could be worse! The first thing out of Shannon's mouth was, "TELL ME that is NOT permanent marker!" Well, guess I need to think of worst case more often! It only took us a few scrubs to get it off of her. (after capturing pictures)

Once we got all cleaned up, we walked to Tustin Lanes (just across the street from our place) and met up with friends to bowl for a bit. Emily had never been to a bowling alley before. First impression was that she LOVED the steps. Of course! When the first ball was rolled down the lane and hit the pins, Emily threw her hands up in the air and proclaimed "AWESOME!" It was the cutest thing ever. The bowling alley put on music a bit later and she danced around and had a grand 'ole time.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Disneyland with Dylan!

Emily and I went to Disneyland today with Dylan, the daughter of my friends Heather & Bill. Their family is heading over to Hawaii for at least 3 years as Bill received orders for there. We may get so lucky as to go over and visit them at some point when they are there!

This was Dylan's first visit to Disneyland, so Emily helped show her that the rides are fun and she does not need to be scared! Emily loves spinning in circles, and their is a kid version of the teacups at DCA where you sit inside of ladybugs.... Emily calls them something like "binky-bugs" it is very cute to hear her say it. :) They played so very well together and really had a wonderful time. We ate popcorn and licorice and just enjoyed ourselves.

We came home and Emily opened the fridge and took out the Hershey's syrup and asked for chocolate milk. She then said "I stir it!" and wanted to be in charge of mixing it into her milk. Why does she want to be so independent? I want her to still be a baby, but feel like we are headed straight towards adulthood in fast forward.

I love this song and its message, it is by Billy Dean.

Let Them Be Little
I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand.
You felt so good in it; no bigger than a minute.
How it amazes me you're changin' with every blink.
Faster than a flower blooms, they grow up all too soon.

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

I never felt so much in one little tender touch.
I live for those kisses, your prayers an' your wishes.
An' now you're teachin' me how only a child can see.
Tonight, while we're on our knees, all I ask is:

Please, let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

The so innocent, precious soul:
You turn around, an' it's time to let them go.

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give 'em praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let them sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

Let them be little.

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I am going to just hop right in and admit it. I have stunk at keeping this blog up for the past... um... year and a half? Starting today, I am going to be better about it. There is just no other way to actually remember everything this little girl does without putting it in writing.

Emily is going to be TWO in 2 1/2 weeks! Where does the time go? NO IDEA!

Let me catch you up on what I have missed... in a nutshell of course!

Emily started walking at a little less than 14 months.. on Daddy's birthday, August 4th. We had spent the weekend in Las Vegas with cousins Trina and baby Kirra and she must have paid attention to Miss Kirra and copied her!

She got her teeth in in fast forward and had a full mouth early on, including her first molars.

Emily was saying words here and there, but started stringing words together at about 20 months.

We took a leap of faith and started potty training on March 13th. By March 15th she was a pro! For the past week here in June, she has been completely dry over night. We are now just working on her actually going through the motions all by herself. I know she is capable as she will take initiative if I am occupied (read: showering) but if Mommy or Daddy are available she wants us to help her.

Emily has decided as of late, that she needs to take all of her dolls, remote controlled puppies, blankets, and anything else, out for walks in her baby stroller. Last week, she was pushing her doll around the house. Her frog pillow was in the way, so she very politely said, "Scuse me, Fog, 'scuse me!" and really wanted that frog to move for her. She strings together Please, Thank You, and Welcome! all in one. Thursday afternoon when I sneezed in the car, she said, "Bless you, Mommy!" She is really starting to figure things out!
As I sit typing this, she is playing with her little kitchen. She has been playing with her bristle blocks "building a house" all day.

She is a nudist at heart.
She loves hugs and kisses and has figured out that when she is about to get in trouble she can wrap her arms around you and say, "Hug. Kisses." and make it all better.
She has entered the "terrible two's" and is fairly impatient. She refuses to leave clips in her hair.
She is overly stubborn and sternly tells you "NO!" if you try to help her up the stairs.
She is a picture perfect Miss Independence.
Emily is in love with the Disney program "Little Einsteins" and carries Leo, June, Quincy, Annie and Rocket all over the place. She can recite the songs and yells out lines from the movie before they say them.
She will count every other number with you.
She sings Happy Birthday. If you ask her how old she is, she says "TWO!" (we thought it would take longer for her to grasp this one, nope!)
She sings and hums while riding in her car seat.
She thoroughly enjoys and looks forward to her days with Grandma, Auntie Claire, and Auntie Shannon.
She loves babies.
She LOVES the Going to Bed book by Boynton and her favorite page is the "exercise" page!
She plays with your hair when she is sleepy.
She loves having her "footies, beyyey and yegs wubbed."
She loves to help clean. This love does not discriminate against toilets. We spent an entire trip to Target with her saying, "I keen toyet" over and over again. (I was buying new scrub brushes.)

Her latest FAVORITE thing to do is roll herself all up in the bed sheet (right after I MAKE the bed, of course!) and once she is wrapped up, she will say "taco!" No idea where she came up with that, and I wonder if she is trying to say something else I don't understand?! The picture at the start of this post is her finished product... and she knocked out, of course!
She is simply amazing.

Until next time, with love.