Thursday, December 21, 2006

YAY for dopplers at home!!

SO!! We received our doppler in the mail on Tuesday and what an amazing sound!!! This little gummy bear's heartbeat chimes in at about 160 beats per minute. If we believed in wive's tales we would be pretty convinced it was a girl... But Daddy is still holding strong on his hopes that our first will be a boy. We shall see. :)

Daddy will be out of town on February 4-11 which falls right where our BIG ultrasound appointment would be. I will try and get in on February 3rd, hopefully, right before he leaves. We will be one day shy of 20 weeks (according to Dr's EDD) and if this little one cooperates, we should be able to find out PINK or BLUE. At that appointment, the Dr. will also schedule us an appointment with radiology where they will do a much more in depth ultrasound and check the spinal cord, facial development, etc. So we kind of have 2 chances at finding out the gender.

Well this momma needs to head out and get some last minute Christmas gifts. I will update soon!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Cool Picture

Well not much to report on this Friday evening. I have been a good mommy and have been waking up and eating breakfast every morning. Although I still have no desire to eat eggs, I am good with meat and potatoes. :)

A friend emailed me this picture and I thought it was very cool. Let me know what you think!

Can you see the baby??

Ok I am off to bed!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

OB Appointment

SO.. I am not extremely happy to report this, but out due date has been changed... We are now officially expecting this little gummy bear on June 23rd.. David and I are going to embrace the date and just hope we get lucky and meet him or her a little sooner. We will be delivering at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. This is really cool since it is so close to our house. :) We did get to see the baby, first ultrasound, YAY!!!

Here you see a cool profile of the face and the little arms and legs are visible:Here you can almost, sort of, kind of, see a nosey and mouth... :)

It was all so very exciting! Our next appointment is January 3rd for some bloodwork. THEN the first week of February we should find out if we are going pink or blue! :)

My aunt Kelly and Uncle Jim did find out with certainty they are having their 3rd boy. She is due June 8th and had some extensive testing done where they were able to verify the gender of the baby. I am so jealous, but then not as I am not a fan of needles and prodding... Everyone says I will get over it by the end of this pregnancy, but I am not really thinking I will.. We shall see!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

13 Weeks Tomorrow

WOW!! I did not realize how much time had passed since I last posted on here. I need to make it a habit to post at least once a week. :)

Over the past couple days I really feel like my belly has grown... Not sure if it is all in my head, but it is like a little ball sitting there in the front center. Hopefully this will be an indication of how I will carry the little one, out front instead of wide... That would be nice.

Tomorrow is our first appointment with Dr. Park, and we are having an ultrasound. Daddy is coming along and Grandma will be joining us as well. I did find out they may be doing an internal ultrasound and not just a topical one since it is much more accurate in rendering measurements. After talking to some other moms I have found that this should not be too bad, and that the images you get to see are much more clear. Regardless of how the Dr. decides to handle the ultrasound, we are very excited!

I have actually had about 10-12 good days where I have been feeling pretty good and not using my magic sea bands!! YAY!!! I do have to admit that I have not felt so great today, but I am probably tired. I had Wednesday and Thursday off last week, but Friday was a long day. I opened 6-2 then had to head back over to work for Hospitality night for a few hours. Luckily, we did not leave all that late, but it was definitely past the normal bed time I have had these past couple months. I have then opened all weekend as well.. today was not very busy which is bad for business, but was a nice break, especially for us on a Sunday.

Christmas is coming!! I am so proud of myself, I have purchased something for everyone to open AND they are all wrapped!! They are not ribboned or bowed, since my pets will destroy that part of it, but wrapped they are!!!

OK I am going to attempt to get a nap in. We have had some really bad Santa Ana winds over this past week and I have had a very hard time sleeping at night. It sure does not help that I am a tummy sleeper and this little peach (the size of the baby this week!) is not allowing me to be comfortable that way any more. This will be a long 7 months on my side!!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sea Bands

Hello all. So, today was my second day wearing these things called "sea bands." I am not usually a believer in homeopathic cures for things, but might be changing my tune. I received them in the mail on Wednesday, and put them on.... I had a pretty bad day, so did not notice a huge change. Then I wore them all day on Thursday.... I actually was smiling... Then, this morning I somehow LOST one on my way down to my car... Swore I put them in my purse, but when I got down to my car I had one in my HAND and that was it.. Very odd!! Searched all over, but it is dark at 5:30 in the morning!! Texted David to keep an eye out, I did not want Duke to eat it if it was on the floor somewhere.. No luck. David could not find it. SO, I had a pretty nauseas day at work, no puking though, thank goodness!!! I came home, and there it was laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs!! Needless to say, they are back on and I am feeling ok. It may be mental, but I am keeping em on! Had mashed potatoes and coleslaw from KFC for lunch, actually tasted good!! Now it is time for dinner. 16 days till my ultrasound!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

10 weeks

Well I have to admit this has been a tough week! Saturday marked the end of my "no puking" stage. Everyone keeps telling me that this is all a good sign that the baby is thriving. I guess mom's suffering means well for baby? I am really noticing my weight shifting to my midsection. I am sure people look at me and wonder, "Is she pregnant or just gaining weight?" Sadly, our scales batteries have died, so I cannot weigh myself! Darn... OH well :) Counting down time until we get to see the ultrasound of our little one on December 4th!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Getting started...

Nine weeks and two days. That's what my counter says today. I cannot wait until this constant nausea passes. So many things are changing as this little gummy bear takes over what used to be my body. Hopefully each week will lessen the ickiness, one thing for sure we are counting down the weeks till we get to meet this little one!


pregnancy due date