Friday, February 23, 2007

3D Pictures... 23 weeks exactly

Here she is!!!

Isn't she beautiful?!?!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

20 and 22 week pictures

So, I was good and took pictures both weeks, but Auntie Shannon slacked and did not email them to me!!! Here we will compare the weeks! Shannon thinks my hair has grown a lot, what do you think? Grey shirt is 20 weeks and pink is 22.

I honestly do not notice much of a change in the belly size, but I guess it does appear to stick out a bit more?

Exciting news is: Thursday the 22nd we are going in for a 3D ultrasound at 10:30 am. I am so looking forward to it. This should also give us confirmation, without a doubt that the little one is indeed a girl! It will be nice to feel much more secure it my girly clothing purchasing frenzy!

I will post the 3D pics on Thursday afternoon!

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!!

Well, the news is in... our baby girl is on her way!!! We had TWO ultrasounds today and both places said the same thing. Grandma Bateman and Grandma Stinson got to be there for the OB appointment and see their little granddaughter on the screen in action!!! We are having a baby girl. :) Here are some pics!!

OK the first one above is VERY close up... and you can see her mouth there on the bottom and her little nosey in the center. (Off to the right is the placenta)

This one is pretty self explanatory, but I think it is very cool that you can see her spine!!! (She uses the placenta as a pillow here...)

She measured at 20 weeks 1 day, which places us due officially on June 21st.